Preliminary Programme

Updated 14 September 2020.

Click on a session to see the detailed programme.

Thursday 19 November

07.30 – 08.30 – Registration, Welcome coffee & Visit of the Exhibitors

Plenary Room

Groin pain made clear

Moderators: Filip Bataillie & Marc Jayankura

08.30 – Understanding the complex anatomy of the groin: The PLAC concept – Ernest Schilders (UK)
08.42 – Imaging of the groin: state of the art – Michel Demaeseneer
08.54 – Diagnosis of hip and groin pain in athletes – Bruno Van Hecke
09.06 – Injection techniques of the groin – Kristof Sas
09.18 – Injuries to PLAC (Pyramidalis Adductor Longus Anterior pubic ligament complex)  and treatment – Ernest Schilders (UK)
09.30 – Discussion

10.00 – End of session

10.00 – 10.30
Coffee Break amongst the Exhibitors

10.30 – Opening of the congress

Lifetime Sports

Moderators: Everard Munting & Jan Victor

Children and adolescents
10.35 – Sport injuries in young soccer players – Pascal Wernaers
10.45 – Acute spondylolysis in the adolescent athlete – Jan Sys
10.55 – Osteochondral lesions in the skeletaly immature athlete – TBC
11.05 – Discussion

Adults and the aging athlete
11.25 – Injury prevention – Joke Schuermans
11.35 – Aging tendons – Bruno Vanhecke
11.45 – Physical activity and cartilage degradation – Jan Noyez
11.55 – Keep on running – Dirk De Clercq
12.15 – Discussion

12.35 – End of session

12.35 – 12.45 – General Assembly BVOT

12.45 – 13.35
Lunch amongst the Exhibitors

Arthroplasty and Sports”

Moderators: Alain Hebrant & Thomas Luyckx

Consider the alternatives!
13.35 – Orthopride report and future direction – Jan Victor
13.45 – Early Osteoarthritis: Definition and conservative management – TBC
13.55 – Injectables: where do we stand now? – Kristof Sas
14.05 – How to stay away from arthroplasty – Kris Govaers
14.15 – The role of osteotomies around the knee – Jan Victor
14.25 – Revisions of hip and knee arthroplasty in young patients : Registry data – Thomas Luyckx
14.35 – Discussion

Impact of sports on joint arthroplasty
14.50 – Shoulder arthroplasty and sports – Geert Declercq
15.00 – Impact sports after Knee and Hip Arthroplasty: Should be forbidden – Thierry Scheerlinck
15.10 – Impact sports after Knee and Hip Arthroplasty: Is perfectly possible – Justin Cobb
15.20 – Discussion “Are there guidelines for sporting activities after hip and knee arthroplasty?” – TBC

15.35 – End of session

15.35 – 16.00
Coffee Break amongst the Exhibitors

Arthroplasty and sports: A spicy debate

Moderators: Kris Govaers & Justin Cobb

16.00 It is the approach that matters
16.00 – From the front – Kristoff Corten
16.15 – From the back – Jan Somers

16.30 It is the bearing
Does sports require a specific bearing – Thierry Scheerlinck

16.45 It is the arthroplasty design
16.45 – Resurfacing: here to stay – Koen Desmet
17.00 – It is the stem size: long or short? – Justin Cobb (UK)
17.15 – It is the head size: big balls?  – Marc Jayankura

17.30 – Panel discussion with case based questions

18.00 – End of session

Parallel Room 1

Rotational Stability issues with ACL

Moderators: Nele Arnout & Pieter Berger 

08.30 – Anatomy of the anterolateral side – Thomas Tampere
08.45 – ALL – Steven Claes
09.00 – LET – Peter Verdonk
09.15 – Meniscus Root and Ramp – Aad d’Hollander
09.30 – ACL repair: An update – Krik Heusdens
09.45 – Case Reports – Panel

10.00 – End of session

10.00 – 10.30
Coffee Break amongst the Exhibitors

12.45 – 13.35
Lunch amongst the Exhibitors

15.35 – 16.00
Coffee Break amongst the Exhibitors

High Performance Knee Arthroplasty: Coronal Alignment Strategies

Moderators: Bart Stuyts & Frank Verheyden

16.00 – What is Coronal Alignment exactly – Pieter-Jan Van de Kerckhove
16.15 – Constitutional Alignment – Hilde Vandenneucker
16.30 – Kinematical Alignment  – Philippe Van Overschelde
16.45 – Inverse Kinematic Alignment – Philip Winnock De Grave
17.00 – Balanced alignment – Ignace Ghijselings
17.15 – Where is the evidence – Jan Victor
17.30 – Discussion

18.00 – End of session

Parallel Room 2

Children and sports: a different approach?

Moderators: Michel Bellemans & Frank Plasschaert

08.30 – Sports activities in obese children: orthopaedic considerations – Michel Bellemans
08.40 – Which sport for which child? – Robert Elbaum
08.50 – Typically sports-related upper and lower extremity traumatology – Jerry Kieffer
09.00 – Osteosarcoma… and triathlon… the rotationplasty as solution – Nanni Allington
09.10 – Skydiving and total hip replacement… Yes, you can… – Nanni Allington
09.20 – Return to sport after bone sarcoma resection – Pierre-Louis Docquier
09.30 – Discussion

10.00 – End of session

10.00 – 10.30
Coffee Break amongst the Exhibitors

12.45 – 13.35
Lunch amongst the Exhibitors

15.35 – 16.00
Coffee Break amongst the Exhibitors

Endoscopic Spinal Surgery

Moderators: Hisco Robijn & Peter Van Daele

Full-Endoscopic Spine Surgery, it represents the future! – Peter Van Daele

Full-Endoscopic Spine Surgery: how it changed my practice (pitfalls, outcome)! – Hisco Robijn

Friday 20 November

07.30 – 08.30 – Registration, Welcome coffee & Visit of the Exhibitors

Plenary Room

The sports shoulder, a different ball game

Moderators: Etienne Lejeune & Stijn Muermans

Basics and Evaluation
08.30 – Epidemiology and biomechanics of shoulder sport injuries – Stijn Muermans
08.40 – Cooperation with sports clubs and timing of surgery – Henk Van der Hoeven
08.50 – Practical shoulder care in National league volley player – Matthias Terryn
09.00 – Discussion

Surgical treatment and rehab
09.10 – Pasta lesions in the sportsman – Philippe Schiepers
09.20 – What I do different in overhead shoulder instability surgery – Geert Declercq
09.30 – Criteria for return to sport after shoulder injury/surgery – Philippe Decleve 
09.40 – Discussion

10.00 – End of session

10.00 – 10.30
Coffee Break amongst the Exhibitors

Lifetime Sports and trauma

Moderators: Olivier Cornu & Gerrit Dewachter

Sports trauma management
10.30 – Paediatric fracture care – Frank Plasschaert
10.40 – Open fractures: Principles of management – Marno Van Lieshout

Overuse and sport injuries
10.50 – Overuse injuries in foot and ankle – Geoffroy Vandeputte
11.00 – Stress fractures of the hip and pelvis – Stijn Ghijselings
11.10 – Acute ankle sprain: do we need a different treatment in athletes ? – Tim Leenders
11.20 – Discussion

Fracture treatment: traditional techniques challenged: debate
11.30 – Fractured clavicle: do we need to operate? – Geert Declercq
11.40 – Distal clavicle fractures and AC injuries: avoiding failures – Samuel Antuña
11.50 – Un-displaced scaphoid fracture: screw or plaster? – Matthias Vanhees
12.00 – The treatment of radial head fractures revisited – Samuel Antuña
12.20 – Distal tibial fractures: plate or nail – Guy Putzeys & Ben Molenaers
12.30 – Discussion

12.40 – End of session

12.40 – 12.50 – GA Acta Orthopaedica Belgica

12.50 – 13.35
Lunch amongst the Exhibitors

“Inspiring stories of Athletes recoveries

Moderators: Geert Declercq & Carl Huybrechts

13.35 – What makes an elite athlete different – Jef Brouwers
13.45 – The sport doesn’t matter, your approach does – Johan Bellemans
13.55 – Coaching the athlete – Johan Van Herck
14.05 – Inspiring stories of Athletes recoveries: panel debate – Jan Victor, Hans Vandenweghe, Johan Museum, Peter Genyn, Ann Wauters, Yuhan Tan, Kim Vanreusel, Peter Verdonk …
15.20 – End of session

Accreditation Ethics and Economics has been requested for this session.

15.20 – 15.35
Coffee Break amongst the Exhibitors

Sport- related injuries of the elbow

Moderators: Alexander Van Tongel & Gaëtan Opsomer

15.35 – Imaging of the Pediatric Elbow – Sophie Lauwagie
15.45 – Sport-related injuries in the pediatric elbow – Pierre-Louis Docquier
15.55 – Questions

16.05 – Clinical examination of the elbow – Alexander Van Tongel
16.15 – Sport-related chronic lateral elbow pathology – Saartje Defoort
16.25 – Sport-related chronic medial elbow pathology – Fabian Moungondo
16.35 – Questions

16.45 – Sport-related chronic anterior/posterior elbow pathology – Roger Van Riet
16.55 – Sport-related chronic posterior elbow pathology – Samuel Antuña
17.05 – Elbow dislocation in the athlete – Katia Cermak
17.15 – Questions

17.30 – End of session

Parallel Room 1

 Specific sports injuries

Moderators: Anny Steenwerckx & Giovanni Matricali

08.30 – Syndesmotic lesions. How to diagnose? – Laurent Goubau
08.45 – How to treat missed syndesmotic lesions in athletes – Joris Robberecht
09.00 – Medial ankle instability: is this a concern? – Stefan Desmyter
09.15 – Achilles tendon rupture: is surgery the best option? – Karolien Schwagten
09.30 – How to manage stress fractures in “athlete’s”? – Jeroen De Wachter
09.45 – Discussion

10.00 – General Assembly BFAS during Coffee Break

10.00 – 10.30
Coffee Break amongst the Exhibitors

Physiotherapists Session in collaboration with AXXON

Moderators: TBC

ACL tears
10.40 – Treatment options anno 2020 –  Thomas Luyckx
10.50 – How I rehab the patient after ACL surgery – Jo Verschueren
11.00 – Q&A

Shoulder instability
11.10 – Decision-making in anterior shoulder instability – Olivier Verborgt
11.20 – How I rehab a patient with shoulder instability – Stijn Vereecken
11.30 – Q&A

Rotator cuff tears
11.40 – Understanding the OR, report of the surgeon –   Toon Van Raebroeckx
11.50 – How do I rehab a shoulder after cuff repair – TBC
12.00 – Q&A

Carpal instability
12.10 – A challenge for the surgeon? – Arne Decramer
12.20 – How I rehab a wrist with carpal instability – Maaike van der Hoeven
12.30 – Q&A

12.40 – End of session

12.50 – 13.35
Lunch amongst the Exhibitors

15.20 – 15.35
Coffee Break amongst the Exhibitors

Hindfoot instability

Moderators: Bernhard Devos Bevernage & Sander Wuite

15.35 – How to assess ligament lesions on MRI in instability patients – Maryam Shahabpour
15.55 – Ankle instability: Surgical decisions – Indications, technique, subtalar and Chopart instability – Frederick Michels
16.15 – From ankle instability to osteoarthritis, why does it happen and how to prevent ? – Stefan Clockaerts
16.35 – How to perform endoscopic ligament repair and reconstruction? – Stephane Guillo
16.55 – Subtle lesions of the MTP I joint – Bernhard Devos Bevernage
17.15 – Discussion

17.45 – End of session

Parallel Room 2

Common Hand and Wrist problems in the recreational Athlete and how to solve them

Moderators: Arne Decramer & Joris Duerinckx

08.30 – Ulnar sided wrist pain in tennis: game over? – Frederik Verstreken
08.42 – Atraumatic dorsal wrist pain in the young athlete – Joris Duerinckx
08.54 – Cyclists: hands on the road – Arne Decramer
09.06 – Sport bracing: options for hand and wrist – TBC
09.18 – “FOOSH, what now? – TBC
09.30 – How to solve wrist pain in gymnasts? – TBC
09.42 – Discussion

10.00 – End of session

10.00 – 10.30
Coffee Break amongst the Exhibitors

12.50 – 13.35
Lunch amongst the Exhibitors

15.20 – 15.35
Coffee Break amongst the Exhibitors

Frequent fractures in sports “The big five”

Moderators: Gerrit De Wachter

15.35 – Clavicle fractures in professional cyclists – Tom Claes
15.50 – Ankle fractures in sports – Dan Putineanu
16.05 – The most frequent carpal fractures – Wim Vandesande
16.20 – Tibial Plateaus fractures in sports – Ionut Caracudovici
16.35 – Sequellae of hip fractures in sports – Marc Jayankura
16.50 – Discussion

17.30 – End of session