Last updated 11/12/2023

Thursday 25 April

Room: AULA

07.30 – ICL Clinical Cases Foot & Ankle

08.30 – Foot & Ankle Session 1PSI and ankle osteo-artritis from joint preserving to joint replacement

Room: PANO

07.30 – ICL Clinical Cases Shoulder

08.30 – Shoulder & Elbow Session 1

Room: RAMA

07.30 – ICL Clinical Cases Hip & Spine-Hip

08.30 – Hip Session 1Get your THA right the first time by fancy technology

  • Augmented reality Reality – Prof Thierry Scheerlinck
  • Robot Assisted cup placement; my experience – Jan Myncke
  • Intra – operative navigation – TBC
  • PSI instrumentation – TBC
  • No need for complex technology – TBC
  • The boy in the candyshop: what to adopt – TBC

Room: AULA

09.50 – Keynote – Pain Management and Sensitization – Sophie Vervullens

10.00 – Coffee Break, Posters & Visit of the Exhibitors

Room: AULA

10.30 – Foot & Ankle Session 23D printing in foot and ankle

Room: PANO

10.30 – Shoulder & Elbow Session 2

Room: RAMA

10.30 – Hip Session 2A day in the life of….A hip Surgeon

12.00 – Lunch, Industry sessions & Visit of the Exhibitors

Room: AULA

13.00 – All about You: Results of the Survey on Surgeon Happiness, BOTRA Happiness, Costprice & Honoraria (Surgery & Consultations)

Room: PANO

13.00 – Symposium Spine

Room: RAMA

13.00 – Symposium Foot & Ankle – Total Ankle Prosthesis

Room: AULA

14.30 – Coffee Break, Posters & Visit of the Exhibitors

Room: AULA

15.00 – Free Paper Session Upper Limb

Room: PANO

15.00 – Symposium Spine

Room: RAMA

15.00 – Symposium Foot & Ankle


16.10 – Keynote – Allergy and Implants

16.30 – BVOT Business meeting

Friday 26 April

Room: AULA

07.30 – TBD

08.30 – TBD

09.50 – Keynote – Return to Competition: My personal Experience working with Athletes (Commplications, Easy, Motivation)

10.00 – Coffee Break, Posters & Visit of the Exhibitors

10.30 – TBD

12.00 – Lunch, Industry sessions & Visit of the Exhibitors

13.00 – TBD

14.30 – Coffee Break, Posters & Visit of the Exhibitors

15.00 – Free Paper Session Lower Limb

16.10 – Keynote – Orthopaedic Implants & the Society: Costs & Benefits

16.30 – Discussion – How to move forward in Belgian Orthopaedics: Training-Academics-Public-Private

18.00 – Free paper Winner & Netwerk Event

Room: PANO

07.30 – ICL Clinical Cases Hand

08.30 – Symposium Hand

09.50 – Plenary Session in Room Aula

10.00 – Coffee Break, Posters & Visit of the Exhibitors

10.30 – Symposium Hand

12.00 – Lunch, Industry sessions & Visit of the Exhibitors

13.00 – Symposium BSG

14.30 – Coffee Break, Posters & Visit of the Exhibitors

15.00 – Symposium BSG

16.10 – Plenary Session in Room Aula

Room: RAMA

07.30 – ICL Clinical Cases Knee

08.30 – Symposium Knee – Personalised TKA

09.50 – Plenary Session in Room Aula

10.00 – Coffee Break, Posters & Visit of the Exhibitors

10.30 – Symposium Knee – Early OA: Risk factors, Identification, Treatment options (osteotomy, UNI, TKA), early OA and outcome of surgery, Obesitas

12.00 – Lunch, Industry sessions & Visit of the Exhibitors

13.00 – Symposium Knee – Geriatrics & Trauma

14.30 – Coffee Break, Posters & Visit of the Exhibitors

15.00 – N/A

16.10 – Plenary Session in Room Aula